Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not Me

"Who broke the wine glass in the kitchen sink?"
"Not me."
"Who left the toilet seat up?"
"Not me."
"Who's responsible for the mess the economy is in?"
"Not me."

Are you like me and have tuned out the noise about the election? Fingers point everywhere but at the speaker's own chest. It's always someone else's fault. I will grow old waiting for a politician to take responsibility.

Who's fault is the economy? Everyone's, with no small help from many different administrations. Government overspends. And spends on the wrong thing too many times.

TARP, set up by Bush II, had to be administered by Obama. Some of it worked; some of it didn't. I don't hear a calm voice looking at each million dollars spent, reporting back to the voters where it went, how much we were paid back, etc. I hear one candidate saying "he did everything wrong." I hear another saying "not me."

If we hadn't bailed out GM and Chrysler, how many jobs would have been lost? One candidate says the managed bankruptcy should have been supported through private equity, but I don't think a Bain Capital would have been willing to write a check. The managed bankruptcy was bailed out by the taxpayers. One candidate, who didn't like the bailout, now takes responsibility. "I always said GM should go into bankruptcy and I was right." Sorta.

The list is endless. I grow depressed thinking about it.

Do you have children? Were you a child once? Do you remember when your mother realized for the first time that you were growing up? Do you? What was the turning point?

For my mother and me, it was the first time I said, "I broke it" rather than "it got broke.

Isn't it time for our government officials to take the high road and grow up?


Brenda Marroy said...

What a novel concept!

Donna Knox said...

Maybe under a different political system, or in a different lifetime, or, if all else fails, when Hell freezes over.

Susannah Smith said...

We the people need to hold politicians accountable for their bad decisions. We need to hold ourselves accountable for informed voting. And by that I mean, research the truth beyond the hype and spin and don't vote the way you think your boss wants you to.

We get the government we deserve.

Betsy Ashton said...

Susan, I agree with you completely. I've often advocated that we need a better informed voting public. We need a better educated public. Period. But, one thing I'd like to see implemented is an option on every ballot. It's a D None of the Above. It might be a way of testing how many people believe the hype. Then again, it might scare the crap out of us, as do many of the latest elections. Sigh.